Days of Spencer

Days of Spencer was really my first attempt at anything not only resembling a book, but resembling a finished book. I had a few unfinished books written, but never finished them.

"Spencer" started in a composition book - a collection of thoughts about spiders, roommates, and pizza hut. It slowly grew into a complete analysis of a lot of different things. I was talking to and about the Jehovah's Witnesses. I was talking about the rules of romance (while reading the "Rules of Attraction" and in a state not unlike now: working and making money, but not necessarily going forward.

I went forward for five years, to no avail. I found myself in middle management at a hotel with no hopes of becomning an AGM or GM because of a) my disability b) my growing frustration over that disability affecting others' perception of my true abilities on the job.

So, I wrote Spencer from 1994-1996, before and after my father's death. It was after his death that I used the inheritance to buy a PC and write. I did more writing during that period than any other, saving the possible current attempt. I'm more driven now. Before, it was just a time-consumer.

In the end, Spencer became an homage to all those things I began writing about, mostly about growing up and having a roommate - namely Hair and Aly. It was the best time of my life, I think, up to this point. I am glad I went through all of it.

I will eventually finish posting and polishing Spencer on blogspot, but for now, I have some more pressing (and more positive) works, including the "Culture Kids" series.

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