Notes: Where Cows Go Meaux

All in all, I think "Where Cows Go Meaux" was a good write. I spoke mostly of the French Wars and ancestral clans (like the Gauls and Franks). Still, I managed to conclude it with Bastille Day and a trip through the Louvre.

Things I didn't particularly dwell on (other than cheese and wines) was the cuisine. I am okay with this, though. I think the American viewpoint on French cuisine is probably skewed anyway - most French probably live closer to the Pot au Feu, cheese, breads, and wine fare as opposed to escargot, baguettes (although they DO get their mention), and other French staples.

It was an easy write. The only thing I think I need to go back and mend is the story about siege warfare, which I was pleasantly surprised with how well that unfolded anyway - I think a re-hash will help it gel even more and be memorable for the juvenile reader.

Other than that, I hope children will enjoy it, although there's LOTS of history lessons in there...I think it's palatable enough for a reader/listener of any age.

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