Notes: Puffins of Saint Piet Island

I churned Saint Piet in the manner of about 30 hours. I collected Puffin photos online and then formatted all to square. Afterwards, I assembled a quick story in my head. I had originally decided to make this a story for little children, and it quickly evolved into a collection of limericks and then into several poetry forms.

I don't know if I'm happy with it or not, but it is what it is. I don't think I'll go back and give it any major overhaul - just continual minor tweaks until I find the words and meter that fits best.

I also think this is a good spring-board for another of my ideas. I have been looking for an illustrator for some time now, to no good end. I might just have someone take photos, not unlike these, and then use photo-to-cartoon software to render my desired end product.

We will see.

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